Wednesday, April 3, 2013

No Really, It's Me and I'm Writing a Post to "My" Blog

Dear Bloginistas, 

   Ok, so keeping up a blog is actually a commitment and I've failed you miserably. I'm hoping that you haven't staged your life around awaiting my next submission as you are probably dead by now.

A lot has happened since my last posting. Let's see:

1) Went to the South of France

2) Drove on Monaco GP track

3) Her Hotness has chickens (15) and bees (60K+) now

4) Hans died grizzly (not by a Bear).

5) Dear Leader got re-elected (and Big Foot too)

6) We now have Molly the dog (part pit bull(sweet), part cocker(boo))

7) Went to the Austin USGP

8) A couple (? maybe more) of new grandkids appeared for Her Hotness to track

9) Bought a few(ha) more guns. Probably due to DL and Big Foot getting reelected (see #5 above)

10) YHS has taken up golf. "The best way to beat to death something with no real return".

On a more current ramble, the Outback is about to croak with 240K+ miles on it. Little things are starting to fail. Back windshield wiper, valve cover gasket (leaks oil), annoying check engine light (catalytic converter on the way out) etc, etc, etc. With every etc costing about 200 quid to fix (1 quid to 1.5 dollar (USD) at current exchange rates).

To show how desperate the car situation is, even Her Hotness is resigned that we will have to buy another car soon. Since the Subaru has survived our normal “babying” this whole time, we are going to buy another one of the same make and brand to torment.

Maybe Subaru could use us for a commercial? And give us a break on the cost of a new one?

Such a commercial would go like this maybe:

The scene:

Soft music plays in the background(maybe “Anal Vice” from the Sound of Music)

Trashed Subaru sits in front of the Mt Idy Tattoo parlor in Boretrose, Iowa

Morgan Freeman(ed: the commie bastard)speaks wispfully: “Do you never wash your car? Do you allow your dogs to scratch the interior of your car while sitting in your lap as you drive? Does your car smell like a wet towel left on the girl’s gym floor for the last 5 years? Do you regularly drive at 100 miles per hour? Do you check to see if your car is really locked by pushing the key fob thingee multiple (at least 3) times to hear the repeated (which drives your wife nuts)beep?

 If so, Subaru has just the car for you!

Fade out as dog in car (Penny) wets the driver’s seat.


Ok, not much else going on. With any luck I’ll write more soon. No guarantees.

That’s just how I currently roll. Later….