Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Do You Like the New Digs?

Dear Bloginistas,

In keeping with the whole world now seeming to have gone kookoo, I've now gone "green" and have changed the colour of my blog. This major "eco" change, I'm sure, will now tip the scales on our orb's tilt towards either us freezing to death or us self igniting. You can all thank me later.

BTW, please feel free to voice your opinion on my/our (we are all in this together remember) colour change. If I feel so inclined I may actually acknowledge such and change it back (or worse).

On a lighter note, Big Brother Google now has some scam where they can post ads on this hollowed (hallowed) site (if I so agree) and I allegedly will get some dosh back for doing so. All you have to do is click on my (our) site's ads about a quadrillion times (just like the national debt) and I will get paid some nominal sum for you doing so. Seems like a win, win, win to me.

The funny part is that Google will pick the ads based on the content of my blog. HA!

Geez, how in the heck is that going to happen considering the nonsense I can't help myself writing about? What idiotic sponsor would ever want to be part of this mess?

Lets see, with my demographics, my ads' broad targeted audience would be: (in no particular order)

1) Small mute Asian women
2) Old Italian formerly hot babes
3) Mormons with a Catholic guilt complex
4) Really frugal Her Hotness (pant) types
5) Gay Iowan farmers
6) Closet Cosmo readers
7) Freak show Walmart shoppers
8) Women(?) who drive Outbacks
9) President Erkel lovers
10) Gas Cramped Reindeer
Extra bonus pick: 11) Some guy named Guido

Sweet. I can see the cash rolling in now.

Here's looking at a new tax bracket....



Jackie said...

The green is a little obnoxious~ at least the particular color green- but it does go with your over all eco self, so I suppose it will do for now! when you wrote your last post you should have had the background rainbow! Awesome! Lots of opportunities!

Anonymous said...

For my own sanity I'm going back on my media fast therefore I need you to write more blogs so I can read them instead of what Nobama or Janet Napolitano is up to.