Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Roach People Ate Here

Dear Bloginistas,

Ok, this whole "economic meltdown" thing is starting to get me worried. Her Hotness is now beginning to "pre test" a food storage program out on me. By pre test I mean going to ALDI's (where the truly desperate shop) and get any kind of food that could survive a nuclear attack with only the surviving roach people being able to eat it. Most of this stuff is so awful that our dogs (Hans and Bell (btw Hans is a girl)) won't even smell it.

The whole idea is to test this stuff out before the whole economy goes completely bust (thanks BO) and we now have to live off our food stuffs until the world comes back from the dark ages or I run out of bullets.

Some examples of the proposed cuisine du barf are:

1) Canned really greasy boiled (lanced ?) brownish meat
2) Canned tennis shoe flavored (this is just a guess) Chicken(?)
3) Dried beans with dirt
4) Canned Creamed (don't even ask) Spinach and Wieners
5) Thai noodles with some kind of fingernail textured nuts
6) Canned Cheese Tortellini

Yummo, sorta makes ya wish for Armageddon to hurry up and "come on down" don't it?

Anywho, Her Hotness has now designated every Wednesday as "choke and puke" night to try out her new gruel. Mysteriously, I now (Hans and Bell too) seem to have awakened the desire to attend Wednesday night church activities early and miss out on all of the excitement. Hallelujah, salvation at last! Please pray for me (us).



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